Spirit of Saanich new landing

Hi there.
Yes – I mean you.
The one with the engaging personality.
The one who likes people.
Yes, you, because you care about the environment.
You believe that community includes everyone.
You understand that civic engagement makes democracy truly democratic.
I trust your instincts. And I need your help.

I’m Nathalie Chambers. I’m a candidate for re-election to a second term on the District of Saanich Council this fall. I’m also running for election to the Capital Regional District.
Saanich is at a crossroads, Will Saanich be a community that values and protects the local environment? Will Saanich be a municipality that engages citizens and respects their priorities?
Let’s say “yes” to both those questions. And let’s make it happen.
We need Saanich residents to let council hear the voice of the people.
Learn how you can help now. And I’d be proud to have your support in October’s election.
Let’s connect. Contact me at: ——
Together, we can build a community that protects its environment and listens to the people in their neighborhoods.
That’s “The Spirit of Saanich”.

On October 15, vote Nathalie Chambers for Saanich Council and the CRD.
Join me in restoring “The Spirit of Saanich”.

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