Chambers in the Chambers:
Advocating for People, Planet and Place Over Profit.
I will share my thoughts on the recent Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) and Inclusionary Housing Policy on July, 4, 2023:
Please see my website at for links to relevant background information on CAC’s, DCC (Developer Cost Charges), LAP’s(Local Area Plans), and my work.
Much of this occurred while the public was out of the Saanich Chambers due to the COVID19 restrictions. Without a Voting Dashboard I have been making increased efforts to inform the public and increase public participation.
Very sadly this vote happened while I was in France on vacation visiting family. This is a council decision which I must accept and respect as the electorate (Saanich Residents) elected us all to these positions. This was a unanimous decision, (with the exception of my vote/absence).
However, I do not have to like it. I will explain my thoughts, processes and opinions irrespective of this vote.
I will direct you to my website for updates after I’ve made some updates.
I will hope for a miracle and will not give up as we wait for a review in a year.
I will be honest, public subsidization of private, industrial and development interests on unceded lands INFLAMES me. Especially when not producing affordability, livability, reconciliation and sustainability. Provincial downloading of costs added to this fans the flames.
This is the “Tragedy of the Commons” but there is a solution.
My background and track record is in conservation finance which predates politics.
I believe in strategic planning and approved community plans and sticking to them.
Last term there were deviations.
Many former colleagues will remember my motto, borrowed from Story Clark: A conversation about conservation without finance is just a conversation.
I am proud of my track record/votes on and off council (which I have gone to great lengths to protect since being targeted, and silenced last term).
I have been successful in these endeavors and was also re-elected to Saanich Council.
I am 100% NOT developer funded and will remain while I am an elected official. I am following in the footsteps of my mentors.
I am not on the Homes for Living Team.
Funding in the interest of the public is my cup of tea. I believe in abundance and strongly believe that if everybody pays their fair share (industrial, private and interests) we have enough finances to fund affordability, livability, reconciliation with First Nations and environmental sustainability.
Chambers in the Chambers mottos:
Polluters pay not the taxpayer.
Everybody pay their fair share
People, Planet and Place over profit.
A conversation about conservation without finance is just a conversation
I consider myself a guardian of the taxpayer dollars and fought hard to negotiate for fair deals, public amenities and a healthy environment for the public during development applications, subdivisions last term. There was a major opportunity to protect the environment and create affordability-climate resiliency, to create the Kind of Saanich (development that meets the needs of current generations without compromising future generations- Our Common Future ) we wish to see.
IMO this is not what occurred.
Up to 450 development applications were approved last term, many made it in before the DCC deadline, interim CACs were applied, environmental protection during development.
IMO these were incomplete.
After all we delayed, DCCs , CAC and environmental protection on private property suspended LAPs (all recommendations from last term’s Mayor Standing Group on Housing/Housing Forum) for affordable housing that never manifested.
With land values inflated (from 2017- the by-election and on-the duration of my political career) I saw a great opportunity for funding in the public interest. Building community, livability/affordability and reconciliation with First Nations, since elected which IMO did not occur. Instead we have subsidized those interests. IMO.
(Provincial downloading of responsibility and costs come into play here-IMO).
Increasing taxes and increasing debt.
Therefore, last term one of the biggest successes was getting DCCs and interim CAC’s implemented.
So you can imagine my distress hearing about this vote.