Councillor Nathalie Chambers Voting Record on Council
(2019 Term)
Bold = Moved by Councillor Chambers
Underline = Seconded by Councillor Chambers
* = Opposed by Councillor Chambers
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the Checkout Bag Regulation Bylaw be amended by deleting Section 3 (4) removing the six months grace period for businesses to dispose of plastic bag stock.” (Council Meeting – January 7, 2019)
The Amendment to the Bylaw was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council direct staff to apply as the primary applicant to receive and manage the grant funding on behalf of the District of Oak Bay, the District of Central Saanich, the District of Highlands, the Town of Sidney and the District of North Saanich for $150,000 of Union of British Columbia Municipalities Funding for the Community Child Care Planning Program in order to fund a consultant for the gap analysis and resources needed for daycare in the six respective municipalities.” (Council Meeting – January 7, 2019)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Plant:
“That the item, the installation of a First Nations art piece in Saanich Council Chambers, be referred to staff to develop, in consultation with appropriate First Nations, a process and funding package to be considered by Council at a future meeting.” (Council Meeting – January 7, 2019)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9538 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Council Meeting – January 21, 2019)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Council approve imposing remedial action requirements pursuant to Sections 72 and 74 of the Community Charter directing the property owners to remove or properly store the accumulation of refuse, junk, recyclable materials, salvaged and disused items, building materials, wood, equipment, appliances, tarpaulins, and other debris (collectively, the “Unsightly Material”) stored or scattered on the exterior portions of the lands and premises located in the District of Saanich, having a civic address of 3847 Merriman Drive and legally desVictoria District, Plan 11987 (the “Property”).” (Council Meeting – January 21, 2019)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Plant:
“That Council direct staff to prepare a report, in a timely manner, for Council’s consideration regarding the implications of a moratorium for tree cutting of Garry oak trees, and also include all native species that were previously protected under the Environmental Development Permit Area bylaw.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – It is important that the work currently being undertaken on the development of environmental policies and processes continue; preparation of a Conservation Strategy report may impact the work currently being done. – There is also concern on the potential impact of a tree cutting moratorium on development and infrastructure work. – It may be appropriate to review and update the Tree Protection Bylaw instead of looking at a moratorium. – During the rezoning process, Council can put restrictions on tree removal and protect sensitive ecosystems. (Council Meeting – January 21, 2019)
The Motion was DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff, de Vries, Harper, Mersereau, Plant, Taylor OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Councillor Mersereau:
“That Council receive the report of Councillor Chambers dated January 14, 2019 for information.” (Council Meeting – January 21, 2019)
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That it be recommended that Council direct staff to bring forward bylaws for Three Readings to establish a new Development Cost Charge program in accordance with the approach outlined in the staff report under alternative 2, with a five year phase in implementation period.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – January 28, 2019) |
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that Council direct staff to develop Development Cost Charge policies for annual and periodic updates of the Development Cost Charge program as well as to outline Development Cost Charge credits and/or rebates procedures.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – January 28, 2019)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor de Vries:
“That Council direct staff to bring forward bylaws for Three Readings to establish a new Development Cost Charge program in accordance with the approach outlined in the staff report under alternative 2, with a five year phase in implementation period.” (Special Council Meeting – January 28)
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Council direct staff to bring forward the non-discretionary budget increase for the municipal responsibility established by the Development Cost Charge program to the 2019 Financial Planning process.” (Special Council Meeting – January 28)
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9540 be introduced and read.” (Financial Plan Bylaw) (Council Meeting – February 4)
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9540 be read a second time.” (Financial Plan Bylaw) (Council Meeting – February 4)
MOVED by Councillor de Vriesand Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9540 be now passed.” (Financial Plan Bylaw) (Council Meeting – February 4)
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9541 be introduced and read.” (Land Acquisition Loan Authorization Bylaw) (Council Meeting – February 4)
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9541 be read a second time.” (Land Acquisition Loan Authorization Bylaw) (Council Meeting – February 4)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9541 be now passed.” (Land Acquisition Loan Authorization Bylaw) (Council Meeting – February 4)
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council: a) Endorse that staff submit an application for grant funding for the G.R. Pearkes Community Recreation Centre Rehabilitation Project through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program Community, Culture and Recreation; and b) Support the G.R. Pearkes Community Recreation Centre Rehabilitation Project, and direct staff to bring forward a Financial Plan Bylaw Amendment for consideration by Council, such amendment to confirm that Saanich’s share of project costs, being $2,650,623 will be funded from the Facilities Major Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund.” (Council Meeting – February 4)
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council provide up to $20,000 to support the bid for the 2022 Invictus Games to be hosted in Greater Victoria, and that these funds be drawn from the Council Strategic Initiatives Fund.” (Council Meeting – February 25)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That the report of the Director of Corporate Services dated February 20, 2019 and the results of the Citizen and Business surveys be received for information.” (Council Meeting – February 25)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED |
MOVED by Councillor Plant and seconded by Councillor Chambers “That
it be recommended that Council approve the inclusion of all the positions identified in the Chief Administrative Officer’s report.” (Special Committee of the Whole Financial Plan Meeting – February 28)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That it be recommended that the additional operational resource requests be advanced to the budget discussions.” (Special Committee of the Whole Financial Plan Meeting – February 28)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That it be recommended that the additional operational resource requests be advanced to the budget discussions.” (Special Committee of the Whole Financial Plan Meeting – February 28)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That it be recommended that Council implement the budget reduction on debt servicing increase of $500,000.” (Special Committee of the Whole Financial Plan Meeting – February 28) |
The Motion was then PUT and CARRIED
with Councillors Chambers, de Vries and Mersereau OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That it be recommended that Saanich Council advise the Police Board that is prepared to support an increase in the Police Budget of 3.55%” (Special Committee of the Whole Financial Plan Meeting – February 28) |
The Motion was then PUT and CARRIED
with Councillors Chambers and Brownoff OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Lot A, Section 5, Lake District, Plan VIP52150 (4144 Wilkinson Road).” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – March 4)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That it be recommended that the memorandum from the Healthy Saanich Advisory Committee dated March 1, 2019 be received for information.” (Victoria Sexual Assault Center Grant Application) (Special Committee of the Whole Meeting Financial Plan – March 6)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre be moved up the list for discussion.” (Special Committee of the Whole Meeting Financial Plan – March 6)
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that Council approve the 2019 Community Association Operating Grants as outlined in the report of the Director of Finance dated February 21, 2019.” (Special Committee of the Whole Meeting Financial Plan – March 6)
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council direct staff to send a letter in support of the concerns of the Falaise Community Association with respect to the noise from the Patricia Bay Highway to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, the Ministry of the Environment and local Members of the Legislative Assembly.” (Council Meeting – March 11)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Plant:
“That Council waive the requirement that no person address Council more than one time at a regular Council meeting, as outlined in Section 53 (b) of the Council Procedure Bylaw, and allow the resident to address Council a second time.” (Council Meeting – March 11)
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That Bylaw No. 9547 be now passed.”
(Parks Management and Control Bylaw) (Council Meeting – March 11)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Council request the Mayor write a letter to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure objecting to highway construction through the Capital Regional District watershed and catchment lands and the Sooke wildness park.”
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Harper: “That the item be tabled.” (Council Meeting – March 11)
The Motion to Table the Motion was CARRIED
with Councillors Brownoff, Chambers and Mersereau OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council: 1. Request that staff report back with information about what processes are currently in place to mitigate impacts to public trees in the course of planning and carrying out municipal works, and how those processes might be improved; 2. Direct staff to report back with options to amend the Tree Protection Bylaw with the intention of increasing tree replacements and specifically examining replanting ratio requirements; 3. Direct staff to report back on proposed Tree Protection Bylaw amendments that focus on increasing required security deposits for replacement trees so they serve as an effective incentive for proper care and maintenance of new trees, with consideration of options and implications for increasing the length of time deposits are retained to take into account the longer establishment period required now resulting from climate change; and 4. Direct staff to provide Council with information regarding the benefits and costs of options to improve tracking and monitoring of trees in Saanich, including but not limited to updated mapping and a prioritized inventory of trees actively maintained by the District, for Council’s consideration during strategic planning.” (Council Meeting – March 11)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
*MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Councillor de Vries:
“That it be recommended that Council approve a $35,000 grant for the Vancouver Island South Film and Media Commission.” (Special Committee of the Whole Meeting Financial Plan – March 12)
with Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers and Mersereau OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that Council approve a $10,000 grant in addition to the $9,100 in-kind donation for Saanich Neighbourhood Place” (Special Committee of the Whole Meeting Financial Plan – March 12)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That it be recommended that Council approve a $3,000 grant for the Habitat Acquisition Trust.” (Special Committee of the Whole Meeting Financial Plan – March 12) |
with Mayor Haynes and Councillor Harper OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Lot 1, Section 57, Victoria District, Plan 20674, Except that Part in Plan 49331 (Road Only) (3949 Shelbourne Street).” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – March 18)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That it be recommended that a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Lot 4, Section 7, Victoria District, Plan 4421 (916 Dale Street); and Lot 5, Section 7, Victoria District, Plan 4421 (914 Dale Street).” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – March 18)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Lot 6, Section 13, Lake District, Plan 6651 (1360 Hastings Street).” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – March 18)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
*MOVED by Mayor Haynes and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Council direct staff to prepare a report on the alternative of charging Development Cost Charges for multi-family dwellings providing an option to developers to be charged on a per unit basis or a per square metre basis.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – March 18)
The Motion was DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillor Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Harper, Mersereau, Plant and Taylor OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council approve and issue Temporary Use Permit TUP00014 on Lot A, Section 32, Victoria District, Plan 21192, Except Part in Plan 31212 and 31953 (3950 Quadra Street [Unit 5-3948 Quadra Street]).” (Special Council Meeting – March 19)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That the application to amend the Carey Local Area Plan, Policy 9.2 be approved.” (Special Council Meeting – March 19)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That the application to rezone that portion of Lot 1, Section 9, Esquimalt District, Plan 5820 (3989 Holland Avenue) lying within the urban containment boundary from Zone A-1 to Zone RS-6 be approved.” (Special Council Meeting – March 19)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That the motion be amended to add an additional bullet – “that the dwelling on the remaining A-1 zoned lot be subject to a covenant for a maximum dwelling size of 525 square metres”.” (Special Council Meeting – March 19)
The Amendment to the Motion was CARRIED
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That the motion be amended to delete the third bullet and replace it with “receipt of a community amenity contribution of $3,500 per lot for future pedestrian improvements in the neighbourhood”.” (Special Council Meeting – March 19)
The Amendment to the Motion was DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Harper and Plant OPPOSED The Main Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED with Councilors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Bylaw No. 9542 be read a second time.” (Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2008, Amendment Bylaw) (Special Council Meeting – March 19)
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Bylaw No. 9542 be now passed.” (Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2008, Amendment Bylaw) (Special Council Meeting – March 19)
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Bylaw No. 9543 be read a second time.” (Special Council Meeting – March 19)
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Bylaw No. 9543 be now passed.” (Special Council Meeting – March 19)
CARRIED with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED | |
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Council approve Development Variance Permit DVP00404 on Lot 1, Section 9, Esquimalt District, Plan 5820 (3989 Holland Avenue).” (Special Council Meeting – March 19)
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor de Vries:
“That Bylaw No. 9547 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Parks Management and Control Bylaw, 1997, Amendment Bylaw) (Council Meeting – March 25)
MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9549 be introduced and read.” (Ash Road) (Council Meeting – March 25)
MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council rescind Third Reading of “Housing Agreement Authorization Bylaw (Nigel Valley), 2018, No. 9526.” (Ash Road) (Council Meeting – March 25)
MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9552 be introduced and read.” (Council Meeting – March 25)
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council approve that: – Council write to the Premier and the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure supporting the initiative to create a Provincial Southern Vancouver Island Transportation Strategy; – The Provincial Southern Vancouver Island Transportation Strategy be developed in harmony with the Clean BC Plan; – The mode share targets of the District of Saanich and the Victoria Regional Transit Commission be given priority in the Plan; – The District of Saanich be included as a stakeholder in the development of this strategy; and – District of Saanich staff be included as members of any technical working group.” (Council Meeting – March 25)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the District of Saanich declare a climate emergency andtowards achieving carbon neutrality in the municipality by 2030.”
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That the motion be amended to add that staff be requested to prepare a report for Council on the initiatives that Saanich would be able to move forward on.” (Council Meeting – March 25)
The Amendment was CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED |
MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the new Climate Emergency Declaration and targets be referred to a future Strategic Planning session for further discussion.” (Council Meeting – March 25)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor de Vries:
“That it be recommended that Council direct a portion of the surplus to increase the Council Strategic Initiatives Fund to $1,000,000.” Special Committee of the Whole Meeting Financial Plan – March 26)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED with Councillors Brice, Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED | |
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that Council direct staff to develop a policy about the Council Strategic Initiatives Fund.” (Special Committee of the Whole Meeting Financial Plan – March 26)
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That it be recommended that Council approve funding of $203,750 for item #9, Police Recruit – Prehire Training, as outlined in the report of the Director of Finance dated March 18, 2019, which is half the amount requested.” |
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That it be recommended that Council confirm strategies for phasing in the impact to the municipal budget for the proposed Development Cost Charge Program be considered as part of the 2020 budget process. (Special Committee of the Whole Meeting Financial Plan – March 26)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That it be recommended that Council not approve funding for the Sports and User Group Coordinator, Community Engagement Coordinator and Clerk-Event Booking Support positions.” (Special Committee of the Whole Meeting Financial Plan – March 26) |
The Motion was Put and DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Mersereau and Plant OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the following motion from the February 28, 2019 Committee of the Whole (Financial Plan) meeting be ratified:
BUDGET DELIBERATIONS – SAANICH POLICE BOARD PROVISIONAL BUDGET “That Saanich Council advise the Police Board that it is prepared to support an increase to the Police Budget of 3.55%” (Special Council Meeting Financial Play – March 26)
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that the application to rezone the property on Lot 4, Section 40, Victoria District, Plan VIP85857 (1811 Emery Place) be rejected and the issuance of DPR00726 be not approved.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The proposed development does not fit within the character of the neighbourhood. – The applicant could be given the opportunity to address the concerns of neighbours and propose a smaller dwelling. – There is concern with the removal of the Garry oaks and the impact of the parking pad on the root zones. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – April 1)
The Motion was DEFEATED
with Councillors Brice, Brownoff, de Vries, Harper, Mersereau and Taylor OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Councillor de Vries:
“That it be recommended that the Rezoning and Development Permit application for 1811 Emery Place be postponed to allow the applicant to work with staff to address the comments from Council.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The applicant should consider the size of the extension and the number of trees to be removed. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – April 1)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council continue to support the development of a new youth bike park in Saanich.”
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council: Request that the Mayor write, on behalf of Council, to the Premier of British Columbia, copying Ministers responsible for Health and Social Services as well as Members of the Legislative Assembly representing constituencies within the Capital Regional District, as well as copying Brenda Butterworth-Carr, Assistant Deputy Minister and Director of Police Services, requesting that the Government of British Columbia provide the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre with continuous provincial funding; and Request that the Mayor write, on behalf of Council, to the Capital Regional District Board and to every municipality within the Capital Regional District, requesting that they also write to the Province requesting that continuous provincial funding be provided to the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre.”
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Plant: “That the motion be amended to add: the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Minister of Health and the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions.”
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Taylor: “That the motion be amended to add: local Police Boards and the RCMP.” (Council Meeting – April 8)
The Amendment was CARRIED
The Amendment was CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Council endorse the Market Analysis Study: Recreation, Health and Wellness Programs, Services, Activities and Experiences (Market Analysis Study) to help guide Council and staff decision-making.” (Council Meeting – April 8)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That final reading of the Zoning Amendment Bylaw, the Heritage Designation Bylaw, and ratification of the Development Variance Permit be withheld pending registration of a restrictive covenant for the following:
– To prohibit construction of any accessory building or structure having more than two plumbing fixtures, within 10.5 m of the rear lot line on proposed Lots 1 to 3; – To prohibit construction of any accessory buildings or structures having a combined gross floor area greater than 3.0 m² or a height greater than 1.8 m, within 10.5 m of the rear lot line on proposed Lot 4; – To require a future dwelling on proposed Lot 2 to be sited a minimum 3.5 m from the easterly interior side lot line; – To require that development of the property be generally in accordance with the Building Scheme provided by the applicant; and – To require that future dwellings on proposed Lots 1, 2 and 4 are designed and constructed to be solar ready for the future installation of photovoltaic or hot water heating systems.” (Special Council Meeting – April 9)
The motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That suitable protection for two Copper beech trees in the rear yard of proposed Lot 3 be referred to the Approving Officer for consideration through the subdivision process.” (Special Council Meeting – April 9)
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the traffic safety concerns for vehicles turning left out of Eva Avenue be referred to the Administrative Traffic Committee for review.” (Special Council Meeting – April 9)
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Plant:
“That it be recommended that a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Lot 6, Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2590 Penrhyn Street); Amended Lot 7 (DD 128770-I), Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2594 Penrhyn Street); and Amended Lot 8 (DD 126833-I), Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2598 Penrhyn Street).”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The proposal is consistent with the Official Community Plan and Local Area Plan and should proceed to Public Hearing for further consideration. – Extensive consultation took place. – This is not appropriate infill. – The applicant should consider how moving and delivery trucks would manoeuvre on the site. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – April 29)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Lot X, Section 62, Victoria District, Plan 4808 (3447 Cook Street); Lot 10, Section 62, Victoria District, Plan 4259 (3449 Cook Street); Amended Lot A (DD 119590I) of Section 62, Victoria District, Plan 4808 (3451 Cook Street); and Lot 1, Section 62, Victoria District, Plan 14229 (3461 Cook Street).” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – April 29)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9551 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Wilkinson Road)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor de Vries:
“That Bylaw No. 9554 be introduced and read.” (Dale Street)
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That Council: a) Receive the report for information; and b) Approve funding for the Request for Expressions of Interest from Council’s Strategic Initiatives Contingency Fund in the amount of $30,000.” (Parks and Public Works Yard) (Special Council Meeting – April 29)
with Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers and Mersereau OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the motion be amended to add (c) to bring forward fees and penalties for the bylaw consistent with the fees and penalties of the City of Victoria and/or other Capital Regional District jurisdictions.” (Special Council Meeting – April 29) |
The Amendment to the Motion was CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was CARRIED
*MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Lot 6, Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2590 Penrhyn Street); Amended Lot 7 (DD 128770-I), Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2594 Penrhyn Street); and Amended Lot 8 (DD 126833- I), Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2598 Penrhyn Street).” (Special Council Meeting – April 29)
CARRIED with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED | |
MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Lot X, Section 62, Victoria District, Plan 4808 (3447 Cook Street); Lot 10, Section 62, Victoria District, Plan 4259 (3449 Cook Street); Amended Lot A (DD 119590I), Section 62, Victoria District, Plan 4808 (3451 Cook Street); and Lot 1, Section 62, Victoria District, Plan 14229 (3461 Cook Street).” (Special Council Meeting – April 29)
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council, in accordance with Section 175 of the Community Charter, approve short term borrowing of five years from the Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia for a sum not to exceed $60,000 for Cedar Hill Golf Course equipment with no right of renewal.” (Council Meeting – May 6)
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That, as this is a Major Centre and the Douglas Corridor in Saanich functions as an urban roadway and not a highway, that: a) Saanich Council write to the Premier and Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure supporting the Southbound Bus Lanes Project and outlining that Saanich shares the core values of mobility and safety that the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has previously presented for this project, especially as they relate to the most vulnerable road users, pedestrians and cyclists; b) Moving forward with this project, Saanich Council anticipates that the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure will support the above outlined policy and objectives in the delivery of this important infrastructure project. Specific attention is needed in the areas of pedestrian and cyclist safety, including dedicated pedestrian and cycling facilities that meet modern and progressive design standards; and c) The principles and priorities of Road Safety BC, the BC Active Transportation Strategy, and the Clean BC Plan be given priority in all current and future projects undertaken by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.” (Council Meeting – May 6)
The Motion then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Plant:
“That, in accordance with the Parks Management and Control Bylaw, 1997, No. 7753, Council approve the request from Roller Skate Victoria to allow roller skate rentals in Lambrick Park as part of a pilot project for the summer of 2019.” (Council Meeting – May 6)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That it be recommended that Development Variance Permit DVP00417 on 3775 Carey Road, 3954 Shelbourne Street, 3201 Douglas Street and 4001 Quadra Street be not approved.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13)
*MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Mayor Haynes:
“That it be recommended that the motion be amended for section 3.13 to delete the words: “If full amalgamation of Saanich and Victoria is recommended by the Assembly”.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Removing the line makes it sounds like the Assembly cannot make any recommendations and may put constraints on the committee. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13)
The Amendment was DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Harper, Mersereau, Plant and Taylor OPPOSED
MOVED by Mayor Haynes and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that the motion be amended for section 3.11 to read: “To the extent possible, consideration of costs, benefits and disadvantages of amalgamation between the District of Saanich and the City of Victoria over both the short and long terms (i.e. Over 5 year, 20 year, 50 year horizons)”.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13)
The Amendment was CARRIED
MOVED by Mayor Haynes and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That it be
recommended that the motion be amended to for section to read: “Identify common aspirations for good local governance to provide a basis for evaluating costs, benefits and disadvantages of amalgamation and status quo of the municipalities relative to their current independent status”.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The language of the ballot question is well founded throughout the Terms of Reference. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13)
The Amendment was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillor de Vries, Harper, Mersereau and Plant OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Mayor Haynes:
“That it be recommended that the motion be amended for section 3.14 to delete the word “can” in the last sentence and replace it with “should”. Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Including minority views in the Final Report should be at the discretion of the Assembly. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13)
The Amendment was DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Harper, Mersereau, Plant and Taylor OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that the motion be amended for section 3.14 to delete the word “can” in the last sentence and replace it with “may”.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13)
The Amendment was CARRIED
MOVED by Mayor Haynes and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that the placeholder for Council to discuss whether meetings be open or closed be discussed as part of section 5.0.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13)
*MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That it be recommended that the motion be amended to add a new sentence after the second sentence “Meetings of the Assembly will be closed to the public but will be viewable by the public through webcast.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13) |
The Amendment was CARRIED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Mayor Haynes:
“That it be recommended that the motion be amended to read as: “Meetings of the Assembly will not allow the public to attend in person but will be viewable by the public through webcast”.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13) |
The Amendment was CARRIED
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Mayor Haynes:
“That it be recommended that the motion be amended for section 7.2 to add the words “up to” 100 members.” (Citizen’s Assembly)
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The facilitator should be tasked with deciding how many members the committee has. – A large committee may be difficult to manage. – There is a need to ensure that all members of diverse groups are represented on the committee. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13)
The Amendment was DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillor Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries and Plant OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Mayor Haynes:
“That it be recommended that the motion be amended for sections 7.2.3 and 7.2.4 to delete the word “and” and replace it with the word “or”.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The wording is confusing as it appears that a resident would only be eligible for the Assembly if they met all the criteria listed. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13)
The Amendment was DEFEATED
With Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Mersereau, Plant and Taylor OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Mayor Haynes:
“That it be recommended that the motion be amended to add a new section 7.3.6 – To include farmers.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Representation of the farming community is needed on the Assembly – It may not be appropriate to single out one type of business over others. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13) |
The Amendment was DEFEATED
with Councillors de Vries, Harper, Mersereau, Plant and Taylor OPPOSED and Councillor Brownoff ABSENT from the VOTE
MOVED by Mayor Haynes and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that the motion be amended for section 8.2.7 to read: “Produce and deliver a Final Report concerning the Assembly’s activities and possible recommendations to the Municipal Councils of Saanich and Victoria.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13)
The Amendment was DEFEATED
with Councillors Brice, Brownoff, de Vries, Harper, Mersereau and Plant OPPOSED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That it be recommended that Council provide direction to staff on desired changes to the permissive exemption policy and processes and request a report back on implications to staff resources and Council processes with respect to a public benefits test for non-profit organizations and/or a public benefits test for church exemptions.”
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Harper: “That it be recommended that the motion be amended to add “considering the conditions as outlined in number two in the report of the Director of Finance dated April 26, 2019 as follows: Requiring that services and activities be equally available to all residents of the District; Registration of a covenant restricting use of the property; An agreement committing the organization to continue a specific service/program; An agreement committing the organization to have field/facilities open for public use for specific times or a total amount of time; An agreement committing the organization to offer the use of the field/facility to certain groups free of charge or at reduced rates; Exemptions based on the principal use of the property, not on the charitable service of the organization as a whole; Exemptions can be granted in whole or in part of the taxable assessed value of the land, improvements or both. Exemption categories (sport, cultural, community service, agricultural, etc.) can be established with a corresponding maximum exemption amount (50%, 75%, 100% etc.) applied to each category.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – May 13)
The Amendment was CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That pursuant to Section 90 (1) (e), (g) and (k) of the Community Charter, Part 4, Division 3, the meeting be closed as the matters relate to the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; and negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.” (Special Council Meeting – May 13)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Council: 1. Receive the 2018 Audit Findings Report for information; and 2. Accept the 2018 Audited Financial Statements as presented.” (Special Council Meeting – May 13)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Council: 1. Approve the draft Terms of Reference for the Citizens’ Assembly, as amended; and 2. Direct the Standing Committee to meet with the City of Victoria Standing Committee to finalize a joint draft Terms of Reference for consideration by the respective Councils.” (Special Council Meeting – May 13)
The Motion was then Put and DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, and Mersereau OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Council provide direction to staff on desired changes to the permissive exemption policy and processes and request a report back on implications to staff resources and Council processes with respect to a public benefits test for non-profit organizations and/or a public benefits test for church exemptions considering the conditions as outlined in number two in the report of the Director of Finance dated April 26, 2019 as follows: Requiring that services and activities be equally available to all residents of the District; Registration of a covenant restricting use of the property; An agreement committing the organization to continue a specific service/program; An agreement committing the organization to have field/facilities open for public use for specific times or a total amount of time; An agreement committing the organization to offer the use of the field/facility to certain groups free of charge or at reduced rates; Exemptions based on the principal use of the property, not on the charitable service of the organization as a whole; Exemptions can be granted in whole or in part of the taxable assessed value of the land, improvements or both. Exemption categories (sport, cultural, community service, agricultural, etc.) can be established with a corresponding maximum exemption amount (50%, 75%, 100% etc.) applied to each category.” (Special Council Meeting – May 13)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That the application to rezone Lot 5, Section 7, Victoria District, Plan 4421 (914 DALE STREET), and Lot 4, Section 7, Victoria District, Plan 4421 (916 DALE STREET) from the RS-6 (Single Family Dwelling) Zone to the RS-2 (Single Family Dwelling) Zone be approved.” (Special Council Meeting – May 14) |
*MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That the item, Development Cost Charges Bylaw 2019, No. 9553, be referred to staff to provide Council with information about processing timelines for development applications to reach building permit issuance, as well as estimated cost implications for the District of delaying implementation by six months, one year, two years, and three years following bylaw adoption at Final Reading, assuming no municipal assist factor phase in.” (Council Meeting – May 27)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That Council approve funding to increase the existing contract in place with SNC Lavalin to a new total of $216,550 (excluding GST), and change orders within approved budget, in order to continue with environmental site assessment studies on the Parks and Public Works site.” (Council Meeting – May 27)
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That, in order to expedite the tendering process and boiler replacement, Council delegate authority to the Chief Administrative Officer, to approve the award of Tender 11/19, and change orders within approved budget, for the Saanich Commonwealth Place boiler replacement.” (Council Meeting – May 27)
*MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That the draft Terms of Reference for the Citizens’ Assembly be amended by deleting Section 3.2.” (Council Meeting – May 27)
The Motion was DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Harper, Mersereau, Taylor OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Council approve imposing remedial action requirements pursuant to Sections 72 and 74 of the Community Charter directing the property owners to remove or properly store the accumulation of refuse, junk, recyclable materials, salvaged and disused items, building materials, wood, equipment, appliances, tarpaulins, and other debris (collectively, the “Unsightly Material”) stored or scattered on the exterior portions of the lands and premises located in the District of Saanich, having a civic address of 1552 Burnside Road West and legally described as Lot 1, Section 9, Esquimalt District, and Section 13, Lake District, Plan 16105 (the “Property”).” (Council Meeting – May 27)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Council: a) Approve the Fire Station #2 redevelopment project based on Option #3 – Performance identified as the preferred option based on multiple criteria with an estimated total project cost of $26,590,000 and an estimated completion date of 2023; b) Approve funding for the project from the District’s Facilities Major Repairs and Replacement Reserve Fund; and c) Direct staff to commence all required processes to launch the project.” Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The commitment to LEED Gold and BC Energy Step Code 3 is appreciated; it will result in energy reduction and savings. (Council Meeting – May 27)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED |
MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council approve the implementation of: a) Option 1 – Utilize current enhanced programs and social media to build awareness and improve participation in the budget guideline setting meeting in summer 2019 for the 2020 budget; and b) Hold an Open House in early 2020 to share information on the draft budget with the public.” (Council Meeting – May 27)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That
Bylaw No. 9537 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Check Out Bag Regulation Bylaw) (Special Council Meeting – June 10)
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9563 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Land Acquisition Temporary Borrowing Bylaw) (Special Council Meeting – June 10)
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the Terms of Reference of the Joint Council Citizens Assembly Subcommittee be referred to the first meeting of the Joint Council Citizens Assembly Subcommittee.” (Special Council Meeting – June 10)
The Motion to Refer was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillors de Vries, Harper, Mersereau and Plant OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the presentation by the Capital Regional District be received with thanks.” (Special Council Meeting – June 10)
*MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Lot 2, Section 16, Victoria District (Lying Within Lake District), Plan 3693 (3970 Wilkinson Road).” (Special Council Meeting – June 10)
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Parcel A (DD181505I) of Lots 5 and 6, Block 4, Section 45, Lake District, Plan 1522 (5147 Del Monte Avenue).” (Special Council Meeting – June 10)
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Lot 2, Section 16, Victoria District (Lying Within Lake District), Plan 3693 (3970 Wilkinson Road).” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – June 10)
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That consideration of the application to rezone the property at 5147 Del Monte Avenue be postponed to allow the applicant to address the comments.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – June 10) |
The Motion to Postpone was then Put and DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, de Vries, Harper, Mersereau, Plant and Taylor OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Parcel A (DD181505I) of Lots 5 and 6, Block 4, Section 45, Lake District, Plan 1522 (5147 Del Monte Avenue).” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – June 10) |
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Council: 1) Endorse the subject Terms of Reference; 2) Direct staff to begin Milestone One including engaging an Advisory Team and consultant(s) per the Terms of Reference; 3) Allocate resources for a temporary staff position to manage the environmental database, mapping, and GIS production; and 4) Direct staff to implement interim measures, as recommended in the report.”
In response to questions from Council the Director of Planning stated: If the motion passed as stated, staff could look at updating the Soil Removal Bylaw in a follow up report.
COUNCIL DELIBERATIONS: Councillor Chambers stated: Biodiversity is our insurance policy to address climate change. This is in the best interest of residents. Councillor Brownoff stated: The work done by staff is in-depth. The public engagement is significant. Requests staff look at the soil removal bylaw as part of the interim measures. The citizen science program and technical advisory team suggestions are appreciated. Interim measures are needed that are realistic and flexible. Councillor Mersereau stated: It is difficult to conserve biodiversity. If we physically protect a piece of land that does not mean we are protecting biodiversity and species later. Climate change presents unknown risks at a quick pace. The expectations may be unrealistic and there are other environmental challenges that are pressing. For instance protecting the Colquitz River, how to support more pollinators, and how to protect the tree canopy. The biggest impact will be in the parks network. It also provides for large land areas where we have control. There is also the ecological principle that the larger the land area the more likelihood that species and habitat will survive. More emphasis is needed on education. There needs to be an understanding of biodiversity, its importance and its relation to Saanich. Regulatory measures will not be effective. Other strategies can be implemented in a shorter time and to more control over what happens on the land. Councillor Harper stated: She supports the comments provided by Councillor Mersereau. The technical advisory committee is the only supportable recommendation as it permits us to create a vision and will actually allow us to move faster later. There is no reference directly to Saanich Parks and climate change which needs to be done before we move into the details. There is a lack of clarity on the use or purpose of the mapping. There needs to be a strategic vision in place otherwise the mapping is premature. The Diamond Head report recommended to remove mapping and to implement clear standards. The interim measures cannot be supported. They would lack the safeguards such as appeals to Council. There needs to be coordination with the Housing Strategy. Councillor Chambers stated: There is a conservation gap and we need to consider our climate change declaration. Ecosystems can be restored and we need to restore them. The community expects measures to be taken. Mayor Haynes stated: It is important to work toward an optimum outcome for our environmental resilience. The comments of Councillor Mersereau outline some of the issues we should consider. Our biological system is under challenge from climate change. We need to consider risk analysis to guide us. A technical analysis gives us grounding to harness all of this. Councillor Brice stated: There have been thoughtful comments made. A more cohesive idea of where we are going is needed. Postponing further consideration of the motion to the next meeting would allow time to consider the profound comments provided. Council discussion ensued with the following comments: Could there be a supplemental report based on some of the questions that were put forward. In response to questions from Council, the Chief Administrative Officer stated: Further direction would be required if a supplemental report is requested. Staff have been able to answer questions when they arose. When this comes forward to the Committee of the Whole meeting the motion will be live on the floor, so there will not be another opportunity for public input. It will be a continuation of this discussion and where Council left off.
*MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor de Vries: “That Council postpone consideration of the Environmental Policy Framework Proposed Work Plan to the July 8, 2019 Committee of the Whole meeting, where all of Council is in attendance.”
In response to questions from Council, the Chief Administrative Officer stated: Public input has concluded. There will be no further public input for this item at the July 8, 2019 Committee of the Whole meeting. The motion will be live on the floor on July 8. Council can waive rules to allow people to speak, but there has been no speakers list and it would be awkward to manage. If Council wishes to speak twice on the motion, a motion to waive the rules of procedures would occur at the meeting. The Chair made the following statements: The motion on the floor is on pause until the July 8, 2019 Committee of the Whole meeting. For clarity, this is not a public hearing, so Council can still receive written correspondence or phone calls. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – June 10)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That Council approve payment of the invoice from the Association of Vancouver Island and Coast Communities (AVICC) for 2019 annual membership dues in the amount of $11,471.21.” (Council Meeting – June 17)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That Council approve borrowing from the Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia, as part of their 2019 Fall Issue, $6,565,000, as authorized through the following Loan Authorization Bylaws for the projects specified and that the Capital Regional District be requested to consent to Saanich’s borrowing over a range of 5 to 15 year terms as identified in the table below and include the borrowing in their security issuing bylaw: … (Council Meeting – June 17)
CARRIED with Councillor de Vries Absent for the Vote | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor de Vries:
“That the 2018 Annual Report be received for information.”
*MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Plant:
“That Council give consent to the adoption of Capital Regional District Bylaw No. 4299: Royal Theatre Local Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 1, 1988, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2019.” (Council Meeting – June 17)
The Motion was DEFEATED
with Councillors Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Harper, Mersereau, Taylor OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council request changes be made to the Capital Regional District Bylaw No. 4299: Royal Theatre Local Service Area Establishment Bylaw No. 1, 1998, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2019 limiting the maximum requisition in any given year to the greater of the previous maximum or the previous maximum times a prescribed percentage increase.” (Council Meeting – June 17)
with Councillors Brice and Plant OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Council: 1. Receive the Embrace Saanich! Municipal Cultural Planning Report; 2. Consider the following priority, short term goals as noted in the executive summary: a. Municipal Cultural Initiatives and Events b. Municipal Partnerships c. Cultural Mapping; and 3. Refer the report to the Strategic Planning process for consideration.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The work of the Healthy Saanich Advisory Committee is recognized and appreciated.
MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That the motion be amended to revise item 3 to read – Refer the item to staff as part of the broader examination on the potential of a multicultural strategy.” (Council Meeting – June 17)
The Amendment was CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Council receive the Embrace Saanich! Municipal Cultural Planning report.” (Council Meeting – June 17)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Council consider the following priority, short terms goals as noted in the executive summary: a. Municipal Cultural Initiatives and Events b. Municipal Partnership; and c. Cultural Mapping.”
In response to questions from Council, the Senior Manager, Recreation stated: – It may be appropriate to consider the short term goals during the budget process. (Council Meeting – June 17)
The Motion was DEFEATED
with Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Harper, Mersereau, Plant and Taylor OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Council refer the item to staff as part of the broader examination on the potential of a multicultural strategy.”
Main Motion, as Amended: “That Council: 1. Receive the Embrace Saanich! Municipal Cultural Planning Report; and 2. Refer the item to staff as part of the broader examination on the potential of a multicultural strategy.” (Council Meeting – June 17)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That staff be directed to prepare a report on updating Saanich’s General Development Permit Guidelines around climate change and biodiversity and the report include review of the exemptions section.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Saanich’s General Development Permit covers all of Saanich and could be used around the climate emergency work.
MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor de Vries: “That the item, Climate Change and Biodiversity Guidelines, be referred to the July 8, 2019 Committee of the Whole meeting for consideration.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – It is appropriate to refer the item to the July 8, 2019 meeting to be discussed with the Environmental Policy Framework.
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff: “That the motion be amended to add – “for consideration at the July 8, 2019 Committee of the Whole meeting”.”
The Main Motion, as Amended: “That staff be directed to prepare a report for consideration at the July 8, 2019 Committee of the Whole meeting on updating Saanich’s General Development Permit Guidelines around climate change and biwith the report to include a review of the exemptions section.” (Council Meeting – June 17)
The Amendment was CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED
The Motion to Refer was DEFEATED
with Councillor Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Mersereau, Plant and Taylor OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council endorse the following motion to be sent for consideration at the 2019 convention of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities: WHEREAS, crime rates have dropped in the Province in recent years while rates of sexual assault have continued to rise; AND WHEREAS, statistics show that Indigenous women and girls are between 12 and 16 times more likely to experience violence than non- Indigenous women and the Province is committed to implement United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and has an obligation to respond to the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Inquiry; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia take action to provide dedicated, predictable and secure funds for emergency sexual assault response through the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and with the support of the Ministry of Health.” Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Clinics like the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre offer a multitude of services for survivors of sexual assault. – They need critical funding to remain viable and should not have to rely on grants. – The Province should be providing permanent, ongoing funding. (Council Meeting – June 17)
The Main Motion was then Put and CARRIED |
*MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Councillor Plant:
“That the motion be amended to add: “and immediately adjacent to boulevards”.” (Council Meeting – June 17)
The Amendment was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillors Brice, Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
The Motion, as Amended:
“That Council direct staff to report back with options and implications for considering bylaw changes that would permit local produce and processed food stands to operate in Saanich on private property and immediately adjacent to boulevards, both inside and outside of the Urban Containment Boundary.” (Council Meeting – June 17)
The Main Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That a Public Hearing be called to further consider Temporary Use Permit TUP00013 on That Part of Section 111, Lake District Lying to the North East of a Boundary Parallel to and Perpendicularly Distant 33 Feet from the Centre Line of the Prospect Lake Road as Said Road is Constructed Across Said Section (4005 Prospect Lake Road).” (Council Meeting – June 17)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Council approve the request from the Hampton Little League Board of Directors to rename Little League Field #1 in Hampton Park to honour community volunteer Curt Waldner by calling the main playing field the Curt Waldner Field.” (Council Meeting – June 17)
*MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Plant:
“That in accordance with Section 90 (1) (f) of the Community Charter, the following meeting be closed to the public as the subject matter being considered relates to law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment.” (Special Council Meeting – July 8) |
with Councillor Brice, Brownoff, Chambers and Harper OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Council authorize $175,000 from Council’s Strategic Initiative Contingency Fund to address the current backlog in development related application reviews as they relate to the Tree Protection Bylaw.” Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Funding for additional staff will assist with efficiencies. – Currently, there is a lack of staff to do the policy work and process improvements. – Improvements to the Tree Protection Bylaw may result in further process delays. – There is concern with using the Strategic Initiative Contingency Fund for staffing. In response to questions from Council, the Director of Parks and Recreation stated: – If, after the nine month trial period, it is determined that the additional staff had an impact on timelines and efficiencies, permanent staffing could be considered as part of the 2020 budget; it could also be determined that there is a need for a different staffing solution and that could also be brought forward during budget deliberations. – New staff would focus on reducing the backlog; there is concern that the number of tree permits, development applications and enforcement files are increasing and continue to add to the backlog. In response to questions from Council, the CAO stated: – There are no other funds available for additional staffing. – This was a need identified after the 2019 budget process was complete; it is not typical to fund staffing from the Strategic Initiative Contingency Fund. (Special Council Meeting – July 8)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Saanich Council support Destination Greater Victoria’s application to Western Economic Diversification Canada for funding from the Canadian Experiences Fund for a project focused on promoting agricultural tourism food to plate experiences.” (Special Council Meeting – July 8)
*MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Mayor Haynes:
“That the motion be amended to read “Develop a Terms of Reference for a Technical Advisory Committee to support staff in preparing the draft goals and objectives for the initiative, and subject to input from the public and Council”.” The Chair ruled that the amendment to the motion was in order. Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Striking a Technical Advisory Committee at the onset of the process would be helpful in defining the problems to be solved and for continuity throughout the process. – The committee could assist in preparing a draft working document including the goals and objectives in order to provide the public something meaningful to provide feedback on. – The current recommendation would allow staff to move ahead more quickly with the work; the goals and objectives could be determined at the beginning of the process. – The committee could use the Terms of Reference and the Diamond Head report for reference. – There are areas of work that have already been completed therefore it may not be appropriate to spend more money. – There is a need for action and interim measures. In response to questions from Council, the CAO stated: – The staff report has an Advisory Team beginning work at Milestone Two of the process; the recommendation has a Technical Advisory Committee commencing at the beginning of the process and would assist in determining the Terms of Reference. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – July 8)
The Amendment was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“Allocate resources for a temporary staff position to manage the environmental database, mapping and GIS production.” Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The Technical Advisory Committee should determine where resources should be utilized; there is concern with allocating resources for mapping when the Diamond Head Report recommends not having mapping. – The mapping needs to be updated; if it is not updated, inaccuracies would remain. – The Diamond Head Report states that mapping, without ground proofing, is inappropriate. – Mapping would be an effective resource tool for the Advisory Committee.
In response to questions from Council, the Manager of Environmental Services stated: – The request for additional funding is to address mapping that is the queue and correct existing mapping; the additional staff position could also be used to provide assistance to the Technical Advisory Team and Council and for analysis of existing information. – Not supporting the request for resources would mean that incorrect mapping, that residents have concerns with, would remain in place; also, if the mapping data was not available to the Technical Advisory Committee, it may be difficult to move the process forward in a timely manner. – The mapping is a resource for all to use; it is representative of the information on record but ground proofing would take precedence. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – July 8)
The Main Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that staff be directed to prepare a report for Council highlighting opportunities to expedite the Environmental Policy Framework process.” Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Residents have voiced their concerns about the proposed timelines; they wish to see an accelerated process. – Using existing data such as the Diamond Head report may help to expedite the timelines. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – July 8)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Plant:
“That consideration of the item – Saanich General Development Permit Area Guidelines, be postponed to allow further discussion.”
In response to questions from Council, the CAO stated: – Consideration of having the General Development Permit Area guidelines apply to RS and RM zones and to the alteration of lands would mean regulatory changes and would require public input; that would divert efforts from the Environmental Policy Framework process and would have financial implications. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – July 8)
The Motion was DEFEATED with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries,
Harper, Mersereau, Plant and Taylor OPPOSED
The Main Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Final Reading and Ratification of the Development Permit be withheld pending: Receipt of notice from a Director under the Environmental Management Act in accordance with section 557.2 of the Local Government Act; and Registration of a covenant and/or Housing Agreement to secure the following: |
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
-The project be certified with Built Green Canada as BUILT GREEN® Silver;
-Contribution of $3,825 for three replacement trees prior to issuance of a building permit; -Completion/Registration of an encroachment agreement between the District and the property owner to accommodate the proposed cantilevered canopies which would encroach into the road allowance prior to issuance of a building permit; -Installation of two Electric Vehicle charging stations; -The provision of Modo car share memberships for each unit ($500 x 76 units = $38,000); -The buildings be constructed to include the installation of the necessary conduit to be solar ready for future installation of photovoltaic and/or solar hot water systems; -That the residential component of the development remain entirely rental in perpetuity; -That Air BnB and Vacation rentals type businesses, and conventional Bed and Breakfast operations are prohibited; and -A follow up study be completed 18 months after occupancy, as per the recommendations of the parking study by Watt Consulting Group.” Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The follow up study to be completed 18 months after occupancy, the provision of a car share membership and the addition of electric vehicle charging stations are appreciated. – Car sharing may reinforce single occupancy vehicles. (Council Meeting – July 15)
*MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That the application to rezone the property at Lot 6, Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2590 Penrhyn Street); Amended Lot 7 (DD 128770-I), Block “D”, Section44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2594 Penrhyn Street) and Amended Lot 8 (DD 126833-I), Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2598 Penrhyn Street) from the RS-10 (Single Family Dwelling) Zone to the RT-FC (Attached Housing Four Corners) Zone be approved.” (Council Meeting – July 15)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That Final Reading of the Zoning Amendment Bylaw and Ratification of the Development Permit be withheld pending registration of a covenant to secure the following: -The project be certified with Built Green Canada as BUILT GREEN® Gold; -The buildings be constructed to include the installation of the necessary conduits to be solar ready for future installation of photovoltaic or solar hot water systems; -Contribution of $55,000 to construct a sidewalk on the north side along the length of Penrhyn Street to Gyro Park prior to issuance of a building permit; Contribution of $28,000 ($2,000 per unit) to the Saanich Affordable Housing Fund prior to issuance of a building permit; -Consolidation of the lots prior to issuance of a building permit; – Bonding in the amount of $5,000 to protect the Monkey Puzzle tree at 3859 Cadboro Bay Road, with the bonding period to be from the start of excavation until three years after issuance of occupancy permit for the block closest to 3859 Cadboro Bay Road; -That the following building practices be followed: -All ground floor wall systems be constructed of steel studs; -All ground floor garages be constructed with floor drains (at low point) and a permeable membrane placed on top of garage slab (to allow water entry and relief of any potential hydrostatic pressures surrounding the structure); and -Moisture sensors wired directly to the house electrical panel be installed at the Iowest point of all ground floor garage areas; -That the applicant would advise any purchasers of the Flood Construction Level; -That any purchasers would also be made aware that areas on the ground floor of each unit are restricted to non-habitable uses as shown on the ground floor plans; and -The Province and the District be held harmless in case of flooding.” (Council Meeting – July 15)
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That Bylaw No. 9566 be read a second time.”
*MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Harper: “That Bylaw No. 9566 be now passed.” (Council Meeting – July 15)
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
CARRIED with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That it be recommended that Council approve Development Permit DPR00660 on Lot 6, Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2590 Penrhyn Street); Amended Lot 7 (DD 128770-I), Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2594 Penrhyn Street) and Amended Lot 8 (DD 126833- I), Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2598 Penrhyn Street).” (Council Meeting – July 15)
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That Bylaw No. 9478 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Helvetia Crescent) (Council Meeting – July 15)
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9561 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Transportation Capital Program Loan Authorization Bylaw) (Council Meeting – July 15)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Plant:
“That Bylaw No. 9568 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Parks Management and Control Bylaw, 1997, Amendment Bylaw) (Council Meeting – July 15)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Bylaw No. 9569 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Ticket Bylaw, 2010 and Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw) (Council Meeting – July 15)
MOVED by Councillor Chambersand Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Bylaw No. 9570 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Building Bylaw, 2019, Amendment Bylaw) (Council Meeting – July 15)
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That Bylaw No. 9572 be introduced and read.” (Sanitary Sewer Bylaw – 4355 Gordon Head Road)
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Brice: “That Bylaw No. 9572 be read a second time.”
MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Brice: “That Bylaw No. 9572 be now passed.” (Council Meeting – July 15)
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
CARRIED with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
CARRIED with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Council approve allocation of $72,000 from the Council Strategic Initiatives Fund to make up for a budget shortfall for the Saanich Fire Centennial Project.”
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Harper: “That the item be referred to staff to report back on options for additional sources of funding.” (Council Meeting – July 15)
The Motion to Refer was DEFEATED with Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Mersereau and Taylor OPPOSED
The Main Motion was then and Put CARRIED |
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the motion be amended to add “send correspondence to the Capital Regional District requesting they consider an increase in public education with regard to recycling”.” (Council Meeting – July 15)
The Amendment was CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That: WHEREAS the Victoria Regional Transit Commission is exploring implementation of a Youth Transit Pass, to provide people under the age of 19 in the Capital Regional with fare-free access to public transit beginning 2020; AND WHEREAS introduction of a Youth Transit Pass in the City of Victoria in September 2019 will create disparities among youths who live in different municipalities, including youths attending the same school and in some cases living on the same street (i.e. Richmond, Tolmie, Harriet); AND WHEREAS reducing barriers to public transit usage among youths can instill sustainable lifelong transportation choices, reducing transportation costs for households, increasing transit ridership and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, which account for more than 50% of community based emissions in Saanich; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council endorses the proposal for a Youth Transit Pass for people under 19 years of age in the Capital Region, and encourages the Victoria Regional Transit Commission to move forward with this proposal in the 2020 budget; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council directs staff to forward this resolution to the Victoria Regional Transit Commission and to other local governments in the Capital Region, requesting favourable consideration.” MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That the fourth paragraph in the motion be amended to read: “That Council supports the initiative of the Victoria Regional Transit Commission with respect to their consideration of a pilot project for a Youth Transit Pass.” (Council Meeting – July 15)
The Amendment was CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Council support the Jeux de la Francophonie 2020 by providing a one-time grant of $50,000 to be funded from the Council Strategic Initiatives Fund.” (Council Meeting – July 15)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillors Brice and Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council: 1. Support Councillor Brownoff’s attendance as the Keynote Speaker at the 2019 World Health Capital Conference held in Matsumoto City, Nagano, Japan; and 2. Approve expenditures of up to $10,000.00 from the Council Strategic Initiatives Fund: To prepare appropriate presentation materials including an external video promoting Saanich as a destination and a community for all ages and abilities; To authorize District of Saanich staff time to assist with the development of the presentation; and To reimburse any ancillary expenses over the full costs of air, transportation and hotel which are being funded by Event Organizers based on their itinerary in accordance with the Council Remuneration and Expenses Policy.” (Council Meeting – July 15) |
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council: Direct staff to amend the Council Procedure Bylaw noting that all types of Council meetings must be adjourned by 10 p.m. with the Chair declaring another date and time, if there is any outstanding business, unless it is otherwise resolved by two-thirds majority affirmative vote of Council to extend the meeting; and That if an extension is voted on and supported, the time of the extension will be to 11 p.m.; and If there are still agenda items to be considered, the Chair will declare a date and time for those items to be dealt with.”
*MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor de Vries: “That the item be referred to staff to consider when reviewing and updating the Council Procedure Bylaw.” (Council Meeting – July 15)
The Motion to Refer was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambersand Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That it be recommended that a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Lot 10, Section 38, Victoria District, Plan 12284 (3582 Richmond Road).” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – July 22)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Mayor Haynes:
“That it be recommended that: 1. Council approve and issue Development Variance Permit DVP00409 on Parcel A (DD 213080-I) of Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Section 42, Victoria District, Plan 1276 (3331 Doncaster Drive); and That Part of Lot 8, Block 2, Section 42, Victoria District, Plan 1276, Lying to north of a boundary parallel to and perpendicularly distant 25 feet from the southerly boundary of said lot (3339 Doncaster Drive); and 2. Ratification of the Development Variance Permit be withheld pending registration of a covenant to secure: That the new dwelling on proposed Lot 2 be certified with Built Green Canada as BUILT GREEN® Gold or equivalent energy efficiency standard; That the new dwelling on proposed Lot 2 include the installation of the necessary conduits to be solar ready for future installation of photovoltaic and/or solar hot water systems; and The Building Scheme received on July 18, 2019, which identifies architectural style and features.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – July 22)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambersand Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That it be recommended that a Public Hearing be called to further consider the rezoning application on Lot 1, Section 11, Victoria District, Plan 21055 (2931 Qu’Appelle Street); and Lot 2, Section 11, Victoria District, Plan 2628 and Lot 1, Section 11, Victoria District, Plan 2628 (2947 Qu’Appelle Street).” Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The provision of affordable housing in perpetuity should be considered. – The applicant may want to speak with staff with respect to the Affordable Housing Fund. – The Housing Agreement to ensure that the development remains as rental in perpetuity is appreciated. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – July 22)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that the report of the Director of Finance dated July 12, 2019 be received for information.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – July 22) |
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers and Mersereau OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Bylaw No. 9545 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Glanford Avenue) (Council Meeting – September 9)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That Bylaw No. 9530 be introduced and read.” (Richmond Road) (Council Meeting – September 9)
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That: 1. Council include the presentation of the Saanich Arts, Culture and Heritage Awards in the 2020 Municipal Budget; 2. If Saanich Council includes the Saanich Arts, Culture and Heritage Awards in its 2020 budget, the awards would be presented during Culture Days, September 25-27, 2020; and 3. The Saanich Arts, Culture and Heritage Awards be presented every two years.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The Arts, Culture and Heritage Awards are important and should be presented twice per Council term. – The costs would be less than $5,000 per event and would require some staff resources.
In response to questions from Council, the Senior Manager, Recreation stated: – Informal recognition could take place during Culture Days with formal recognition at a Council meeting on a different date. (Council Meeting – September 9)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That: 1. Council supports the launch of the fundraising program via the Fall Party on September 14, 2019; 2. The Saanich Legacy Foundation be acknowledged as a recipient of proceeds when the funds are not directly payable to the Corporation of the District of Saanich; 3. Council permit the use of the Corporation of the District of Saanich logo for fundraising purposes; 4. Council endorse both the Saanich Legacy Foundation and the Corporation of the District of Saanich in applying for grants; 5. In circumstances where only the Municipality can apply for the grant, that staff be directed to work with the Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee to complete the application; 6. Council writes to the Capital Regional District (CRD) requesting support in the acquisition of this green space; and 7. The fundraising plan include but not be limited to: spontaneous individual donations, donations from service clubs, faith-based organizations, non-governmental organizations, non-profits and other levels of government.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The mandate of the committee is to develop a fundraising plan to keep Kings Nature Space a permanent Saanich park. – The committee will provide quarterly updates to Council. – The Mayor will be asked to write to the CRD to request funding for the acquisition. – The fundraising plan will come to Council at a future meeting for approval. (Council Meeting – September 9)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
*MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Plant:
“That Saanich joins with other municipalities in Greater Victoria in seeking BC government action to develop and implement a region-wide, humane deer management strategy.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – There is a need to work collaboratively with other municipalities on deer management; this work will complement the work of the CRD as deer management is a region-wide issue. – Deer interactions are costly and have an impact on safety. – It may be appropriate to request funding assistance for the disposal of carcasses; the Province should be lobbied to do its share. – There may be other ways to address deer management including fencing and enforcing bylaws for feeding deer. – Permanent sterilization of deer is not sustainable. – Immuno-contraception is considered humane. (Council Meeting – September 9)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillors Chambers, de Vries and Mersereau OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Council: 1. Endorse the letter as a formal submission from the District of Saanich to the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy in response to the Plastics Action Plan: Policy Consultation Paper; and 2. Direct staff to submit the letter to the Province by the September 18, 2019 deadline.”
MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That the motion be amended to revise the date to submit the letter to the Province by the September 30, 2019 deadline.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – This is an opportunity to upload regulatory changes to the Provincial Government. – Eliminating single use plastics would have a greater impact if it is done Province-wide. – There may be a role for the Federal Government as well in terms of making regulatory changes to reduce plastic packaging. Motion, as Amended: “That Council: 1. Endorse the letter as a formal submission from the District of Saanich to the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy in response to the Plastics Action Plan: Policy Consultation Paper; and 2. Direct staff to submit the letter to the Province by the September 30, 2019 deadline.” (Council Meeting – September 9)
The Amendment was then Put and CARRIED
The Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that supports the Regional Concept of Operations during events of regional emergency significance between the Province of BC and local governments (Capital Regional District member municipalities, electoral areas and First Nations).” (Council Meeting – September 9)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That a Public Hearing be called to further consider the Zoning Bylaw Amendment to permit the retail sales of non-medical cannabis in specific zones.” (Council Meeting – September 9)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That Council approve and issue Development Variance Permit DVP00439 on Lot 2 (DD33017l), Section 66, Victoria District, Amended Plan 1743, Except that Part in Plan 9981 (4150 Blenkinsop Road).” (Council Meeting – September 9)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Council approve the following recommendations to amend, with the intention of strengthening, Tree Protection Bylaw, 2014, No. 9272: 1. Change non-development related replacement trees from “voluntary” to “required” replacement trees (in specific instances), with the ability to charge for security deposits, as outlined in the report of the Director of Parks and Recreation dated August 22, 2019; 2. Increase development-related replanting ratios by one; 3. Change the replacement tree security deposit amount for development related removals from $300 to $700; 4. Make administrative changes to strengthen the Bylaw as outlined in the report; 5. Direct staff to establish a reserve fund specific to supporting the goals and objectives of the Urban Forestry Strategy; 6. Direct staff to prepare requests for the 2020 budget for sufficient staffing levels to administer the existing bylaw and to implement the recommendations from the report; and 7. Direct staff to establish a practice of 3:1 replacement for trees removed from municipal projects and include a funding request in the 2020 budget process.” (Council Meeting – September 9)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Council approve temporary use permit TUP00013 on That Part of Section 111 Lake District Lying to the North East of a Boundary Parallel to and Perpendicularly Distant 33 Feet from the Centre Line of the Prospect Lake Road as Said Road is Constructed Across Said Section (4005 PROSPECT LAKE ROAD).” (Special Council Meeting – September 10)
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the Agricultural Land Reserve application for a Non-Farm Use in the Agricultural Land Reserve be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission with a recommendation for approval.” (Special Council Meeting – September 10)
MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the ratification with a recommendation for approval of the Temporary Use Permit TUP00013 be withheld pending Agricultural Land Commission approval of the non-farm use application.” (Special Council Meeting – September 10)
MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the application to rezone Lot 10, Section 38, Victoria District, Plan 12284 (3582 RICHMOND ROAD) from the RS-6 (Single Family Dwelling) Zone to the RD-1 (Two Family Dwelling) Zone be approved.” MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That final reading of the Zoning Amendment Bylaw and ratification of the Development Permit be withheld pending receipt of a report and cost estimate from a Qualified Building Official with details about any works that may be required to ensure code and bylaw compliance, along with a bond or other financial security equal to 120% of the estimated cost of any required works.”
MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That Bylaw No. 9530 be read for a second time.”
MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That Bylaw No. 9530 be read for a third time.”
MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That Development Permit DPR00736 be approved.” (Special Council Meeting – September 10) |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mesereau:
“That Section 5.32(a) of Zoning Bylaw 8200 be amended to read as follows: (a) Cannabis Production on lands within the British Columbia Agricultural Land Reserve, but only if the cannabis is produced (i) Outdoors in a field; (ii) Inside a structure that has a base consisting entirely of soil; or (iii) Inside a structure that meets the conditions prescribed in subsection 8(2) of the Agricultural Land Reserve Use Regulation, B.C. Reg. 30/2019.”
Moved by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mesereau: That Bylaw No. 9571 be read for a second time.”
Moved by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mesereau: That Bylaw No. 9571 be read for a second time.” (Special Council Meeting – September 10)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
Carried |
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council approve the Fundraising Plan document that was submitted by the Mayor’s Standing Committee on Fundraising for the Kings Road Community Nature Green Space (KCNGA) with the following amendments to Section 5.2: a) prepare a request to the Capital Regional District (CRD) Land Acquisition Fund to support the purchase of the KCNGA; b) reach out for support from the District of Oak Bay and the City of Victoria for the application to the CRD from the Land Acquisition Fund for the purchase of the KCNGS; and c) reach out for support from the Vancouver Island Health Authority for the purchase of the KCNGS.”
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That Council rescind approval of the Fundraising Plan document that was submitted by the Mayor’s Standing Committee on Fundraising for the Kings Road Community Nature Green Space.”
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That: 1) Council approve the Fundraising Plan document from the Mayor’s Standing Committee on Fundraising for the Kings Road Community Nature Green Space (KCNGA) with the exception of the handout pages with respect to sponsorship donation amounts and recognition which are to be referred to staff for further comment; and 2) Section 5.2 be amended to read as follows: a) prepare a request to the Capital Regional District (CRD) Land Acquisition Fund to support the purchase of the KCNGA; b) reach out for support from the District of Oak Bay and the City of Victoria for the application to the CRD from the Land Acquisition Fund for the purchase of the KCNGS; and c) reach out for support from the Vancouver Island Health Authority for the purchase of the KCNGS.” (Special Council Meeting – September 16)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That Council approve continued funding for the Capital Regional District Watershed Coordinator for another three (3) year term (2019-2021).” (Special Council Meeting – September 16)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Council appoint the Director of Finance, or any person acting in the capacity of the Director of Finance, as the Collector of Taxes for the District of Saanich, in circumstances where the Manager of Revenue Services is absent or unable to act.” (Special Council Meeting – September 16)
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that consideration of the request to rezone the property located at 855 Falaise Crescent from the A-1 (Rural) Zone to the RS-10 (Single Family Dwelling) Zone and Development Variance Permit DVP00407 be postponed to allow the developer to hold a community meeting and then come back to Council.”
In reply to a question the CAO advised that if the motion is passed, the application would be discussed at a future Committee of the Whole meeting.
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: The houses are smaller but no further oak trees are being preserved. Adequate community consultation has not occurred. There is some concern about the size of the homes and loss of trees. The house location was moved and reduced. The applicant also considered the trees in the park. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – September 16)
The Motion to Postpone was then Put and CARRIED |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Mayor Haynes:
“That it be recommended that Council approve and issue Development Permit DPR00733 on Lot A (DD 241556l), Section 63, Victoria District, Plan 1781 (1028 Inverness Road).” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – September 16)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Plantand Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that Council endorse the following recommendations to take effect in 2020: 1. Saanich continues to support High Performance Sport at Saanich Commonwealth Place (SCP); 2. Direct staff to create a new Saanich Commonwealth Place allocations policy that re-balances High Performance Sports and Community Use; and 3. Support a revised funding model that includes: a. An increase of $290,000 per annum in tax subsidization for Saanich Commonwealth Place to replace the expired Trust Fund revenue; b. An increase in High Performance Sport generated user-fees escalating from approximately $20,000 per annum in 2021 to over $30,000 in ten years (based on a six percent lift annually through to 2030 and annual increases consistent with fees and charges policy thereafter; and c. An increase in revenue generated through increase rental rates for the lower-level, multi-use space through a balance of market and not-for- profit rates.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – September 16)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That it be recommended that Council: 1. Endorse granting a permissive tax exemption for 2020 to the properties listed in Schedule “A” in the report of the Director of Finance dated September 6, 2019 and direct staff to coand draft the appropriate bylaws; and Refer permissive tax exemptions for affordable housing to the Mayor’s Standing Committee on Finance and Governance for inclusion in the review of the Permissive Tax Exemption Policy.”
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brice: “That the motion be amended that bullet number 1 include the four properties as outlined in the report of the Director of Finance dated September 6, 2019: 2390 Arbutus Road, 5500 Hamsterand 1780 Townley Street.”
Main Motion, as Amended: “That it be recommended that Council: 1. Endorse granting a permissive tax exemption for 2020 to the properties listed in Schedule “A” and the properties listed in the report of the Director of Finance dated September 6, 2019: 2390 Arbutus Road, 5500 Hamsterly Road, 50 Burnside Road West, and 1780 Townley Street, and direct staff to conduct statutory public notification and draft the appropriate bylaws. 2. Refer permissive tax exemptions for affordable housing to the Mayor’s Standing Committee on Finance and Governance for inclusion in the review of the Permissive Tax Exemption Policy.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – September 16)
The Amendment to the Motion was CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was CARRIED |
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that consideration of the Citizens’ Assembly Draft Terms of Reference be postponed and the item be considered at the Council meeting of September 30, 2019.” MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That it be recommended that consideration of the Citizens’ Assembly Draft Terms of Reference be referred to staff to reschedule to a future Committee of the Whole meeting.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – September 16)
The Motion to Refer was CARRIED
*MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That Bylaw No. 9580 be introduced and read.” (Del Monte Avenue) (Council Meeting – September 30) |
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Council approve the award of a Annual Quotation 13/19 for Sign Shop Materials for the Street Operations Section to ND Graphics and 3M Canada Company.” (Council Meeting – September 30)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Council provide support for the 2019 Asset Management Planning Program application for grant funding for Saanich’s Long Term Financial Planning Project and confirm willingness for Saanich to provide overall management of the grant.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Natural assets are key to running the municipality. In response to questions from Council, the CAO stated: – Although natural assets are part of the Asset Management Plan, they are likely to take second priority. – The Asset Management Plan is a significant piece of work and is a multi-year process. Any additional grants that we receive will expand our capabilities. In response to questions from Council, the Director of Engineering stated: – This specific grant is in the $10,000 – $15,000 range. (Council Meeting – September 30)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council endorse the application to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) Community Resiliency Investment (CRI) FireSmart Community Funding and Supports Program application for the District of Saanich to create a Community Wildfire Protection Plan.” In response to questions from Council, the Fire Chief stated: – In consultation with BC Wildfire, we believe the $25,000 is sufficient to create the Community Wildfire Protect Plan. (Council Meeting – September 30)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the motion be amended to read: “That Council: 1. Direct staff to issue a request for proposal for a qualified vendor to conduct, with support from planning staff, a service delivery review of current planning services in Saanich with the objective of identifying short, medium, and long-term opportunities to improve the efficiency of services and customer service orientation; and, 2. Approve the expenditure of up to $150,000 from the Council Housing Affordability Fund for the independent service delivery review of current planning services.” (Council Meeting – September 30)
The Amendment to the Motion was then Put and CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was CARRIED |
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council endorse and approve the letter and attachments from the Office of the Mayor to the Passenger Transportation Board.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Ride share businesses are not regulated, a balanced regulatory framework is important. – Living wages and impacts on the environment need to be taken into consideration. – Saanich is not a living wage employer, the most logical committee to review items pertaining to this topic is the Finance and Governance Standing Committee.
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: That the motion be amended to read: “That: 1. Council amend the letter to the Province by striking out the language regarding living wage for employees; and 2. Council endorse and approve the amended letter and attachments from the Office of the Mayor to the Passenger Transportation Board.” (Council Meeting – September 30)
The Amendment to the Motion was then Put and CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was CARRIED With Councillor Brownoff ABSENT for the Vote |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Plant :
“That Council adopt the attached resolution imposing remedial action requirements pursuant to Sections 72 and 73 of the Community Charter directing the Property Owners to Council adopt the attached resolution imposing remedial action requirements pursuant to Sections 72 and 73 of the Community Charter directing the Property Owners to: (a) Obtain a report (the “Report”) from a professional engineer or qualified person approved by the District assessing the safety of the tower and antennas located on the lands and premises located in the District of Saanich having a civic address of 5032 Wesley Road (the “Property”); and, (b) Implement any recommendations or perform any actions outlined in the Report to ensure the tower and antennas do not pose a safety risk or an undue risk of damage or injury to surrounding persons or property.”
In response to questions from Council, the Director of Buildings, Bylaws, Lands and Legal stated: – Saanich does not regulate by bylaw the construction of antenna towers. (Council Meeting – September 30)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Council: 1. Endorse the following community climate actions: (a) Accelerate personal transportation electrification; (b) Convert all oil heating systems to renewable heating systems by 2030 or sooner; (c) Enhance support for efficiency and renewable energy upgrades in existing buildings; (d) Double the rate of planting trees to enhance the urban forest; and (e) Catalyze community actions. 2. Endorse the following corporate climate actions: (a) Implement a Climate Friendly Commuter Program for Saanich employees; (b) Include a climate alignment scorecard in development application reports to Council; (c) Incorporate a carbon pricing in business case analysis; (d) Develop a corporate fleet strategy to reduce carbon emissions starting 2020; and, (e) Model a low carbon diet through corporate catering. 3. Direct staff to establish a new Climate Action Reserve Fund. 4. Dedicate up to $220,000 from the Council Strategic Initiatives Contingency Fund to support the Home Energy Retrofit Municipal Financing Pilot project.” (Council Meeting – September 30)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That Council: 1. Direct staff to proceed with a grant application to Natural Resources Canada’s Zero Emissions Vehicle Infrastructure Program; and, 2. Commit to providing up to $280,000 from the Council Strategic Initiatives Contingency Fund to cover its share of the total cost of purchasing and installing 20 publicly accessible Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations at District-owned properties, as well as an additional in-kind contribution in the form of staff time, should the District’s funding application be successful.”
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Brice: That the motion be amended to read: “That Council: 1. Direct staff to proceed with a grant application to Natural Resources Canada’s Zero Emissions Vehicle Infrastructure Program; 2. Commit to providing up to $280,000 from the Council Strategic Initiatives Contingency Fund to cover its share of the total cost of purchasing and installing 20 publicly accessible Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations at District-owned properties, as well as an additional in-kind contribution in the form of staff time, should the District’s funding application be successful; and 3. Direct staff to report back on options for charging for electricity at the publicly accessible charging stations to recuperate some of the costs.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The municipality needs to look at when incentivizing meets the economic reality of subsidizing. In response to questions from Council, the CAO stated: – As a third-party, Saanich has the ability to sell electricity. (Council Meeting – September 30)
The Amendment to the Motion was CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was CARRIED |
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council receive the report, which provides an overview of activities that will inform the business case of redeveloping Parks and Public Works Yard at 1040 McKenzie Avenue, for information.” (Council Meeting – September 30)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Bylaw No. 9528 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Nigel Avenue) (Special Council Meeting – October 7)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Council refer the report along with the sponsorship and incentive sections of the fundraising plan back to the Mayor’s Standing Committee on Fundraising for the Kings Road Community Nature Green Space to address the items in Section 6 of the fundraising plan that have projected costs that exceed estimated sponsorship revenues.” (Special Council Meeting – October 7)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That Saanich Council support the Capital Regional District to apply for, receive and manage Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) grant funding to complete a housing needs report in partnership with the District of Saanich.” (Special Council Meeting – October 7)
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor de Vries:
“That it be recommended that Council approve the wording of 1.1 as follows: To learn about the costs, benefits and disadvantages of the amalgamation between the District of Saanich and the City of Victoria including shared and contrasting values, concerns and needs of residents of Saanich and Victoria regarding neighbourhoods, change, growth, service delivery, governance, capital and infrastructure needs, land use planning, emergency services and strategic and regulatory framework.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – It is appropriate to include emergency services in discussions. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – October 7)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That it be recommended that Council approve the wording for the new 7.2.5 as follows: Invitations would be extended to applicants who would understand that they would be expected to have an open mind on the subject matter and, as such, would make a written declaration prior to being confirmed as an Assembly member.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – It is important to send the message that members are expected to maintain an open mind. – The intent of the motion is captured under Roles and Responsibilities of Assembly members.
*MOVED by Mayor Haynes and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau: “That it be recommended that Council approve the wording for the new 7.2.5 as follows: Applicants will be asked to indicate organizations that they have participated in that they perceive would result in them having a conflict of interest in participating in this process.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – If a member has a bias, they should not be permitted to serve on the Assembly. – There is an expectation that Assembly members have open minds. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – October 7)
The Motion was DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brownoff, Chambers, Mersereau, Plant and Taylor OPPOSED
The Motion was DEFEATED with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Plant and Taylor OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Mayor Haynes:
“That it be recommended that Council approve the wording for 7.3.5 as follows: A proportionate number of members of First Nations from the two municipalities.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – October 7)
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That it be recommended that Council approve the wording for 7.4 as follows: To assist Assembly members to participate, members will be reimbursed for reasonable childcare, eldercare, and transportation costs and will receive an honorarium of $100 per meeting. Assistance will also be provided to those members with differing physical or learning abilities.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – October 7)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillors Brice, Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Mayor Haynes:
“That it be recommended that Council approve the wording for 8.4 as follows: The District of Saanich and the City of Victoria will respect and support the independence and integrity of the Assembly and municipal elected officials and staff will remain at arm’s length during deliberations of the Assembly.” (Committee of the Whole Meeting – October 7)
The Motion was DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Mersereau and Taylor OPPOSED
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Bylaw No. 9575 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Council Meeting – October 21) |
CARRIEDwith Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Bylaw No. 9579 be introduced and read.” (Tax Exemption Real Property Bylaw Riparian Land and Heritage Property)
MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That Bylaw No. 9579 be read a second time.” CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau: “That Bylaw No. 9579 be now passed.” (Council Meeting – October 21)
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Brice: “That the
memo from the October 11, 2019 Mayor’s Standing Committee on Fundraising for Kings Road Community Nature Green Space meeting be received for information.” (Council Meeting – October 21)
with Councillor Chambers ABSENT for the Vote |
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That Council direct staff to provide a supplemental report, in a short term timeframe, with options on regulating garden suites in the Agricultural Land Reserve and include occupancy requirements and recommendations.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Further clarification is needed on how to regulate Bed and Breakfasts. – More public input should be sought for garden suites outside the Urban Containment Boundary. (Council Meeting – October 21)
The Motion was DEFEATED
with Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Mersereau and Taylor OPPOSED |
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council direct staff to prepare a supplemental report on the provincial regulations governing Bed and Breakfasts on Agricultural Land Reserve lands and include occupancy requirements for single family dwelling properties with a garden suite under the new proposed regulations.” (Council Meeting – October 21)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That Council direct staff to prepare a supplemental report that explores detached or garden suites in rural areas.” (Council Meeting – October 21)
The Motion was DEFEATED
with Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries and Mersereau OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor de Vries:
“That Council direct staff to prepare a bylaw to: 1. Increase the Board of Variance fee to $300; and 2. Include a $50 fee for a time extension application on a previously approved variance.” (Council Meeting – October 21)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor de Vries:
“That Council direct staff to prepare a bylaw amPublic Hearing advertising fees as follows: … (Council Meeting – October 21)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That the application to rezone Lot 18, Block 4, Section 46, Lake District, Plan 1522 (5035 Del Monte Avenue) from the A-1 (Rural) Zone to the RS-12 (Single Family Dwelling) Zone be approved.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Minimal tree removal is appreciated. – No variances have been requested. – Neighbours and the Community Association are in support. – This is appropriate density for the neighbourhood.
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That Final Reading of the Zoning Amendment Bylaw be withheld pending registration of a covenant to secure the following: Floor plans, siting of dwellings and driveway locations conform to the plans dated March 15, 2019; and Include the installation of the necessary conduits to be solar ready for future installation of photovoltaic and/or solar hot water systems” (Special Council Meeting – October 22)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That the application to rezone Lot 18, Block 4, Section 46, Lake District, Plan 1522 (5035 Del Monte Avenue) from the A-1 (Rural) Zone to the RS-12 (Single Family Dwelling) Zone be approved.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Minimal tree removal is appreciated. – No variances have been requested. – Neighbours and the Community Association are in support. – This is appropriate density for the neighbourhood. (Special Committee of the Whole – October 22)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That Final
Reading of the Zoning Amendment Bylaw be withheld pending registration of a covenant to secure the following: Floor plans, siting of dwellings and driveway locations conform to the plans dated March 15, 2019; and Include the installation of the necessary conduits to be solar ready for future installation of photovoltaic and/or solar hot water systems” (Special Committee of the Whole – October 22)
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That it be recommended that Council approve Development Permit Amendment DPA00937 on Lot B, Section 8-A, Lake District, Plan VIP71164 (4400 West Saanich Road).”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – It will be important to do whatever is possible to mitigate the light from the fabric covered parking structure. – Increased tree planting should be considered to mitigate carbon emissions from the site. – The applicant should fulfil their commitments. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – October 28)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That Bylaw No. 9578 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Tax Exemption Real Property Bylaw) (Special Council Meeting – October 29)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That Bylaw No. 9579 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (ax Exemption Real Property Bylaw – Riparian Land and Heritage Property) (Special Council Meeting – October 29)
MOVED by Councillor Chambersand Seconded by Councillor Brice:“That
Bylaw No. 9583 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Tax Exemption Repeal Bylaw – Townley Lodge) (Special Council Meeting – October 29)
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That Bylaw No. 9566 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Penrhyn Street)
*MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Brice: “That Council approve and issue Development Permit DPR00660 on Lot 6, Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2590 Penrhyn Street); Amended Lot 7 (DD 128770-I), Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2594 Penrhyn Street) and Amended Lot 8 (DD 126833-I), Block “D”, Section 44, Victoria District, Plan 1483 (2598 Penrhyn Street).” (Special Council Meeting – October 29)
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
CARRIED with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED |
*MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Plant: “That
Council approve and issue Development Permit Amendment DPA00937 on Lot B, Section 8-A, Lake District, Plan VIP71164 (4400 West Saanich Road).” (Special Council Meeting – October 29) |
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the Terms of Reference be amended that under Section 6 – the Selection of Committee Members, “Senior government scientific staff” be added to the list for possible committee membership. (Special Council Meeting – October 29) |
The Amendment was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillors Harper and Mersereau OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That the Terms of Reference be amended that under Section 2 – “Natural Saanich” Goals & Objectives, the last line be amended to read: “Saanich is a model steward working diligently to improve and balance the natural and built environments”.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – It is Council’s understanding that the vision captures Saanich Parks. In response to questions from Council, the Manager of Environmental Services stated: – Within the vision statement in the Official Community Plan, there is a network of natural areas, open spaces and urban forests which would include Saanich parks.
Main Motion, as Amended: “That the draft Terms of Reference, be amended as per the document from Councillor Mersereau circulated on table with the following changes: That the fifth bullet under Section 5 – Scope of Work be amended to add “To assist staff to”.” That under Section 6 – Selection of Committee Members, “Senior government scientific staff” be added to the list for possible committee membership.” (Special Council Meeting – October 29)
The Amendment was then Put and CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That honorariums in the amount of $100 to $250 per committee member per meeting be provided.”
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That the motion be amended that honorariums in the amount of $250 per committee member per meeting be provided.”
Main Motion, as Amended: “That honorariums in the amount of $250 per committee member per meeting be provided.” (Special Council Meeting – October 29)
The Amendment was then Put and CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau: “That
Council refer the item – Expedited Work Plan to the Technical Committee, once formed.”
“NATURAL SAANICH” ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY FRAMEWORK – EXPEDITED WORK PLAN Report of the Director of Planning dated October 16, 2019 recommending that Council provide direction to staff as to which work plan option(s), as listed in the report, to pursue for the development of the “Natural Saanich” Environmental Policy Framework.
In response to questions from Council, the Director of Planning stated: – Referring the Expedited Work Plan to the Technical Committee may delay the progress of the committee and possibly increase costs in terms of honorariums paid for additional meetings to contemplate the work plan; it is also unknown if the committee members would have the breadth and depth of knowledge in developing a public engagement plan.
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – It is important that the process is de-politicized. – There may be recommendations that would be better made by experts. – Council would still have the opportunity to approve the goals and objectives and decide how to move forward. – It will be important to identify critical gaps in information and data. – Understanding the impacts of reducing the timelines would be helpful.
In response to questions from Council, the Manager of Environmental Services stated: – Council requested staff explore options to expedite the timelines to develop an Environmental Policy framework. (Special Council Meeting – October 29)
The Motion to Refer with DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Chambers, de Vries and Mersereau OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That staff be directed to use the Expedited Work Plan to develop the “Natural Saanich” Environmental Policy Framework, and to include in the Milestone One work activity – “Progress Report to Council”, gaps in data and information considered important for the completion of the Framework.”
MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff: “That the motion be amended to remove the option “Reduce Public Engagement on Conservation Options” from the Expedited Work Plan.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comment: – It is important to give the public the opportunity to provide feedback.
Main Motion, as Amended: “That staff be directed to: 1. Use the Expedited Work Plan to develop the “Natural Saanich” Environmental Policy Framework, and to include in the Milestone One work activity – “Progress Report to Council”, gaps in data and information considered important for the completion of the Framework; and 2. Remove the option “Reduce Public Engagement on Conservation Options” from the Expedited Work Plan.” (Special Council Meeting – October 29)
The Amendment to the Motion was then Put and CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED
*MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That the recommendation outlined in the report of the Director of Planning dated October 16, 2019 with respect to Proposed Interim Measures be rejected.”
“Natural Saanich” “NATURAL SAANICH” PROPOSED INTERIM MEASURES – IMPLICATIONS, ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS, AND LIKELY EFFECTIVENESS Report of the Director of Planning dated October 16, 2019 recommending that Council direct staff to implement proposed interim measures related to the Deposit of Fill bylaw, Tree Protection bylaw (refer to Council report on interim Options to Strengthen Tree Protection in the District of Saanich), Removal of Soil bylaw and enhanced development application for the “Natural Saanich” Environmental Policy Framework – Proposed Work Plan process.
In response to questions from Council, the Manager of Environmental Planning stated: – The proposed interim measures were chosen based on how quickly they could be implemented and the probability of having a positive outcome on environmental protection. – Gaps were identified in the bylaws that could impact aquatic ecosystems and areas designated as red listed (endangered) and blue listed (vulnerable) by the Conservation Data Centre of the Province of British Columbia. – Applications for soil removal or fill deposit permits are largely based on engineering requirements. – Applicants have a choice to work with staff or a biologist of their choosing to identify habitat or species at risk located on their property. In response to questions from Council, the CAO stated: – The permitting processes would include information on red and blue listed species and water courses and could form part of enforcement action if there is damage done or permitted work is done improperly. – There are generally a low number of applications for removal of soil and deposit of fill.
In response to questions from Council, the Director of Planning stated: – The proposed interim measures may have a low impact but could be implemented quickly. – It is proposed that a Biodiversity Statement be required for larger developments such as apartment buildings, condo developments or commercial development.
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – It is unclear whether the proposed interim measures would have an impact in protecting the environment. – The interim measures may pre-empt the work of the Technical Committee. – Implementation of the proposed interim measures is supportable. (Special Council Meeting – October 29)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillors Brownoff and Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the “Natural Saanich” Environmental Policy Framework be renamed “Resilient Saanich”.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – It is appropriate to create policies to make Saanich more resilient in the face of change. (Special Council Meeting – October 29)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Taylor: “That Council reaffirm the Remedial Action Order requirement imposed by Council on May 27, 2019 on the property owner of 1552 Burnside Road West, legally described as Lot 1, Section 9, Esquimalt District, and Section 13, Lake District, Plan 16105 (the “Property”).”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Although the owner is not in attendance, they have provided written correspondence with respect to the appeal of the Remedial Action Order. (Council Meeting – November 4)
with Councillor Chambers ABSENT for the Vote
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Bylaw No. 9516 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Darwin Avenue/Nigel Avenue/Vernon Avenue) *Note: this bylaw was given Final Reading on November 19, 2019 (correct administrative error) (Council Meeting – November 4) |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Development Permits P12/90 (821 Nigel Avenue), P8/98 (846 Nigel Avenue) and P16/03 (880 Vernon Avenue) be rescinded.” (Council Meeting – November 4)
MOVED by Councillor Brownoff and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the motion be amended that the following item be added to the proposed changes to the Advisory Committee process: That staff be directed to prepare a training manual to be presented at the beginning of each new committee term.” (Council Meeting – November 4)
The Amendment was then Put and CARRIED | |
*MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Plant:
“That the motion be amended that the following item be added to the proposed changes to the Advisory Committee process: That Advisory Committee Chairs may appoint a committee member as a Co-Chair.” (Council Meeting – November 4)
The Amendment was then Put and DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries and Taylor OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council: 1. Request the Memorial Avenue Committee canvas potential funders for financial assistance for the film – Memorial Planetrees; 2. Endorse the Memorial Avenue Committee in its request for the District of Saanich to provide a sum of up to $3,500 to the Memorial Avenue Committee to aid in the production of a short film focusing on the symbolism of the Memorial London Planetrees with the purpose of increasing public awareness of the Memorial Trees along Memorial Avenue located on Shelbourne Avenue in Saanich; and 3. Direct staff to work with the Memorial Avenue Committee and Royal Roads University regarding a Memorandum of Understanding for the intellectual property rights of the film – Memorial Planetrees.”
MOVED by Councillor Brice and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That the motion be amended to add: 1. “Direct staff to send a letter of thanks to Wesbild for their donation of $3,500 supporting the “Memorial Planetree” film; and 2. That the $3,500 provided by Saanich to come from the Council Strategic Initiatives Fund.” (Council Meeting – November 4)
The Amendment was CARRIED
The Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That a Public Hearing be called to further consider amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to include Cannabis Production as a permitted use in all “M” Zones.” (Council Meeting – November 4)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
*MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That cannabis production in other zones be referred to the Planning, Transportation and Economic Development Advisory Committee for consideration and discussion.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Farmlands should be used for food production. – Receiving further information from the committee is supportable. (Council Meeting – November 4)
The Motion to Refer was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillors Chambers and Harper OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Council receive the report titled “Saanich Fire Department Fire Services Review – 2020 Master Fire Plan” as information and as a future reference/planning tool for delivery of Saanich Fire Services.” (Council Meeting – November 4)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Council: 1. Endorse the updated Regional Context Statement; 2. Direct staff to refer the updated Regional Context Statement to Capital Regional District staff and partner municipalities as listed in the report; and 3. Direct staff to report back to Council on feedback received through the referral process, prior to the preparation of the required Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw, and formal referral to the CRD Board.” (Council Meeting – November 4)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Taylor:
“That Bylaw No. 9516 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Darwin Avenue/Nigel Avenue/Veron Avenue) (Special Council Meeting – November 18)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan be adopted.” (Special Council Meeting – November 18)
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Bylaw No. 9571 be adopted by Council and the Seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.” (Zoning Bylaw – Cannaibis Production in the ALR) (Council Meeting – November 25)
MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That
Council approve and issue Development Variance Permit DVP00407 on Parcel A (DD 213080-I) of Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Section 42, Victoria District, Plan 1276 (3331 Doncaster Drive) and That Part of Lot 8, Block 2, Section 42, Victoria District, Plan 1276, Lying to North of a Boundary Parallel to and Perpendicularly Distant 25 feet from the southerly boundary of said lot (3339 Doncaster Drive).” (Council Meeting – November 25)
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9593 be read a second time.” (Transportation Capital Program Temporary Borrowing Bylaw) (Council Meeting – November 25)
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That Bylaw No. 9594 be now passed.” (Parks Capital Program – Temporary Borrowing Bylaw) (Council Meeting – November 25)
MOVED by Councillor Chamber sand Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Bylaw No. 9553 be introduced and read.” (Development Cost Charges Bylaw)
The Director of Engineering stated: – It takes approximately 23-24 months for the typical mid-rise multi-family development to go through the development process to building permit issuance. – There could be a potential loss of revenue of approximately $4 million per year if there is a delay or if a grace period is provided for implementation of the DCC Bylaw.
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The proposed rates are a fair distribution of costs between current and future ratepayers. – The costs of further delay are significant and it is not appropriate for taxpayers to continue to subsidize the development community. – A further six month delay may be a compromise. – The fees need to be reviewed regularly going forward. – DCC rates have been low for years. – Waivers and reductions need to be considered next.
The Urban Systems consultants stated: – A phased in effect is an additional municipal $1.8M.
In response to questions from Council, the CAO stated: – The fees collected from DCCs would go into a DCC Reserve Account to be used for the specific future projects that the fees would be collected for. – The collection of DCC fees would have no impact in the short term on the tax base.
In response to questions from Council, the Director of Engineering stated: – If there was a delay in implementation of the DCC Bylaw, servicing costs for development would continue to be borne by existing residents; Transportation and Parks projects may need to be deferred until sufficient funding is in place.
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff: “That Bylaw No. 9553 be read a second time.”
*MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Harper: “That the motion be amended that the implementation of the Development Cost Charge Bylaw be delayed by six months after the statutory one year.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – A further delay of six months would ensure that more applications get through the development process. – There has already been a delay in implementation which is costing the taxpayers. – A six month delay is not a significant amount of time to make a difference to developers. In response to questions from Council, the CAO stated: – It could take approximately 2-3 months for Inspector of Municipalities ‘approval.
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff: “That Bylaw No. 9553 be now passed.” (Council Meeting – November 25)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
The Amendment to the Motion was DEFEATED with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Mersereau and Taylor OPPOSED
The Main Motion was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That Council approve the renewal of the 2019-2020 insurance portfolio in the amount of $589,497.” (Council Meeting – November 25)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillor Mersereau ABSENT FOR THE VOTE |
*MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Taylor: “That
staff be directed to bring Council proposed changes to the Zoning Bylaw 8200 permitting greater height and density in RA-zoned properties (Apartment) Zone.” (Council Meeting – November 25)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Harper:
“That: 1. Council endorse the letter from Mayor Haynes on modernizing the Motor Vehicle Act; and, 2. The letter be sent to the Premier of British Columbia and copied to the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, the Mayors of British Columbia municipalities, the President of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities and local Members of the Legislative Assembly.” (Apartment) Zone.” (Council Meeting – November 25)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED | |
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Council: 1. Approve the proposed Asset Management Policy; and 2. Direct staff to submit a resource request for an Asset Manager position for the 2020 Financial Plan.”
MOVED by Councillor Mersereau and Seconded by Councillor Chambers: “That the motion be amended to add a new bullet to the Asset Management policy on page 3, under Section 4 – “Ensure consideration of equity between current and future rate and tax payers”.” (Council Meeting – November 25)
The Amendment was then Put and CARRIED
The Main Motion, as Amended, was then Put and CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brownoff:
“That Council adopt the Acting Mayor rotation as outlined in the report of the Manager, Legislative Services dated November 13, 2019.” (Council Meeting – November 25)
*MOVED by Councillor de Vries and Seconded by Councillor Mersereau:
“That Council direct staff to pause ongoing updates to the Local Area Plans.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – There is the need to reallocate resources to address affordable housing and the Agricultural and Food Security plan. – Once the work that is ongoing on the Cadboro Bay and Cordova Bay Local Area Plans is done, a temporary pause would take place. – A Housing Needs Assessment should be considered. – Pausing would result in future LAPs being more grounded in housing needs. – Communities want certainty that LAPs will be updated in a timely manner. – Local Area Plan updates are a priority within the Strategic Plan. – It is appropriate that the LAP updates be paused temporarily to ensure that all the information is available.
MOVED by Councillor Taylor and Seconded by Councillor Harper: “That the motion be amended to add: “That staff be directed to report on.”
A point of order was called and the Mayor ruled the motion in order. The Mayor asked “Shall the Chair be sustained.” (Council Meeting – November 25)
with Councillor Chambers OPPOSED
CARRIED with Councillors Chambers, de Vries and Plant OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That the item – Check-in on Local Area Plan Updates including the recommendation from the Mayor’s Standing Committee on Housing Affordability and Supply with respect to a possible pause in ongoing updates to Local Area Plans be referred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Consideration at a Committee of the Whole meeting will give the public another chance to provide input. (Council Meeting – November 25)
The Motion to Refer was CARRIED
MOVED by Councillor Chambers and Seconded by Councillor Brice:
“That Council: 1. Adopt the proposed changes to the revised grant program structure and administration processes as outlined in the report; 2. Direct staff to prepare revisions to the Saanich Community Grants Program Policy, and associated application and procedural documents to ensure alignment with the approved changes, noting that changes to the Policy will require approval by Council; and 3. Direct staff to advise organizations that have received grants in the current and prior years of the changes to the Community Grants Program.” (Council Meeting – November 25)
MOVED by Councillor Plant and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that consideration of the item be postponed to allow the applicant to work with staff and neighbours and look at alternative site layouts for discussion at a future Committee of the Whole meeting.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Alternate siting of the home on the property may be possible. – The Subdivision Officer will consider Council’s comments before approval. In response to questions from Council, the CAO stated: – The siting of the house is determined by the Zoning Bylaw. In response to questions from Council, the Acting Director of Planning stated: – Potentially, there could be more tree removal needed if the house is sited differently on the site.
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – Although there is a desire to reduce the privacy impact to the neighbour, removal of more trees is not appropriate. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – December 2)
The Motion was DEFEATED
with Mayor Haynes and Councillors Brice, Brownoff, Chambers, de Vries, Harper, Mersereau and Taylor OPPOSED
MOVED by Councillor Harper and Seconded by Councillor Chambers:
“That it be recommended that: 1. Council approve Development Variance Permit DVP00418; 2. Ratification of the Development Variance Permit be withheld pending registration of a covenant to require any new dwelling on proposed Lot C; a) Be constructed to an EnerGuide 82 or equivalent energy efficiency standard; b) Include the installation of the necessary conduits to be solar ready for future installation of photovoltaic and/or solar hot water systems; and c) Be constructed substantially in compliance with the plans prepared by Outline Home Design date stamped received on July 23, 2018.”
Council discussion ensued with the following comments: – The removal of additional trees to relocate the new home is not supportable. – The applicant should discuss, with the neighbour, how privacy concerns could be mitigated. (Committee of the Whole Meeting – December 2)
The Motion was then Put and CARRIED |
Councillor Chambers Motions Carried = 92
Councillor Chambers Motions Defeated = 5